Monday 2 April 2012

Just Veet It

Has anybody tried the new Veet Roll on hot wax gadget??
You know the one, where the add makes it look so easy??
Well trust me it ain't, oh no not by a long shot.
I was excited with my pre holiday find,
Oh think of the money you will save, I thought to myself!!
Excited  I couldn't wait to try this out, I went upstairs read the instructions, "This is gonna be so easy"
20 mins, timed and waiting patiently, I began my first step, roll the wax on, eh why is nothing coming out, heat for another 10 mins, oooh we have lift off, so I roll the wax down just like the add,, ouch it's pulling my hair with it, and trust me this does not just glide out either. Eventually the wax is on my leg after going over the same area a couple of times, I place the wax strip on and pull, oh may you die roaring veet, I think to myself.
This is not a quick and easy process, this is not painless, I suggest sticking to a salon, as this is way to much effort.
Trust me my lesson is learned, I now have two hairy legs, with bald patches, much like an aging chimp.
Ladies we do enough, why not let a professional look after us, for a change!!